Monetary donations to Nutch gratefully accepted. Our current goal is to create a good-sized public demo that can handle moderate traffic. Even this takes a fair amount of hardware and bandwidth. Fortunately, the Internet Archive has donated bandwidth, so all that we need now is hardware. We estimate that a two-hundred-million page demo system will require from $10,000 to $200,000 in hardware, depending on how much query traffic we wish to handle. If you believe in the cause and think a more compelling Nutch demo would help it, please donate. U.S. Tax Exempt StatusThe Nutch Organization is applying for federal tax-exempt status as a 501(c)3 corporation. Once that application is accepted, donations by United States residents will be tax deductable. The Nutch StoreAll profits from sales at The Nutch Store are donated to The Nutch Organization.By CheckDonations by check may be sent to:
The Nutch Organization By PayPalIf you would like to make an easy cash donation you can send it to our PayPal account: Equipment and ServicesDonations of equipment and services are also very much appreciated. In particular, we need rack-mountable CPUs with 4GB (or more) of RAM each. We also need lots of 200GB (or larger) hard drives. Note that, in order to minimize our operational costs, we need to keep our hardware base as uniform as possible, so we may be picky about what hardware donations we'll accept. Unless the donation is a large number of identical devices, we'd rather have cash. Currently our hosting is provided by the Internet Archive, so we do not at present need donations of bandwidth or machine room space. Please send inquiries to donate@nutch.org. |
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